Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Area
The student drop-off/pick-up area is in the main parking lot in front of the school. Parent vehicles MUST remain in line and students are to be dropped off and picked up along the main front sidewalk. In order to keep the traffic flowing, please have your student exit/enter the vehicle quickly and depart in a timely manner.. Students will not be permitted to be dropped off or picked up in the parking area and walk through traffic. Also, Parents should NOT park in the parking lot and walk over to the pick up line to retrieve their child.
Parking and Traffic Flow Reminders: As you may know, traffic congestion during the start of school and dismissal causes gridlock on Creekview Drive. We ask again, that parents and students obey traffic laws, demonstrate common courtesy, comply with our crossing guards and campus supervisors, and think safety first!
Late Arrivals & Early Dismissals
Late Arrivals: Parents do not need to come into the building when dropping off late students. If your student is going to be late to school, please drop them off at the main school entrance (A). They need to ring the door- bell and will be buzzed into the building. Please have them bring their note into the office where we will get them signed in and off to class.
Early Dismissals: If you need to pick your child up early, please send a note or email (with student’s first and last name) to school with your child on the day of early pick up. If somebody other than a parent/guardian will be picking your child up, please include their first & last name in the note (email) signed by the parent/guardian. We will NOT release your child to ANYONE other than a parent/guardian without proper notification from the parent/guardian. Upon arrival to pick up, we ask that you ring the bell at the school main entrance (A) where you will be let into the main office. The office staff will ask to see your (or designated person picking up) valid ID. Once your (or designated person’s) ID has been verified the person picking up will be asked to sign the student out in the front office. We will get your student to the office as quickly as possible.
Students going home different than their “Normal Procedure”Anytime your child will be going home after school different from their “Normal Procedure”, please send in a note (or email) to your child’s teacher &/or the front office at . Please include your child’s first and last name. If somebody other than a parent/guardian will be picking up your child, please include their name in the note signed by a parent/guardian.
PLEASE NOTE: A bus student cannot take a friend home on the bus unless PRIOR permission is given by the District Transportation Department.